Il Sole 24 ORE is the most popular Italian economic-financial newspaper. The main topics dealt with by the newspaper are the economy, politics, the news in the regulatory and tax sectors, especially in the economic field, the trend of the financial markets and the columns of experts.
Il Sole 24 ore project
Il Sole 24 Ore asked us to create a system for acquiring electoral data from the Ministry of the Interior and to develop a software aimed at publishing the results in real time along the phases of turnout and ballots.
Our Plan
The system reveals great performance in reading and producing pages on both desktop and mobile webs, it also offers the possibility of adapting the graphic layout of the contents and adapting the navigation logics according to the editorial needs from year to year. Il Sole24Ore is one of the Italian newspapers able to present the special for the various types of elections with data updated in real time.