KSB is a worldwide supplier of innovative pumps, valves and systems for the reliable and cost-effective transport of all types of fluids. It provides quality products and services for the civil sector, for industrial processes, for the energy sector, for the extraction, treatment and transport of water and waste water, for technological systems and the mining sector.
Ksb project
KSB requested the creation of a web application for the management of orders in the B2B field, which meets the different skills of the staff during the insertion of orders.
Our plan
Digitelematica has developed a platform usable through modern web technologies.
The insertion of offers can take place through different flows in order to proceed with the selection of specific components and products for the type of use or scope of reference. This allows the agents, the punctual and precise selection of the pieces and components, reducing errors.
Administrators can therefore check the offers entered in order to be able to deal with the validation and export to ERP.
The software also contains a master data of the articles, to which technical specification sheets are linked, which are automatically inserted with the order when the offer is exported.

The software facilitated and accelerated the ordering processes by allowing agents distributed throughout the territory to access and insert economic offers on a common portal.
The input interface on subsequent steps for the selection of a product based on the desired characteristics has led to a simplification of the operations of creating new orders.